Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Aneka Laksam


Bahan Laksam
200 g tepung beras
40 g tepung gandum
550-600 ml air
Loyang bulat @ tudung periuk (dilengser dgn minyak jika melekat)

Bahan Kuah
600 g ikan selayang/sardin - rebus, ambil isi & tumbuk
2 liter santan - dari 2 biji kelapa
6 ulas bawang merah - ditumbuk
2-3 g serbuk ada hitam
1 keping asam gelugur
Garam secukupnya

Gula secukupnya
Bahan perasa secukupnya

Bahan Ulaman
Cili kering - direndam & ditumbuk halus
Timun - dihiris halus
Kacang panjang - dihiris kecil
Daun kesum - dimayang
Taugeh - dibuang ekor
Belacan - dibakar
Limau nipis - dibelah 4

Bawang besar - dimayang bulat
Bunga kantan - dihiris halus
Kobis - dihiris halus

Cara Membuatnya:
1. Jerang semua bahan kuah hingga mendidih. Perlahankan api dan renehkan hingga agak pekat. Angkat dan ketepikan.
2. Untuk laksam, kacau semua jenis tepung dengan garam dan air hingga menjadi adunan yang sebati.
3. Lengser loyang bulat dengan minyak. Tuangkan sedikit adunan agar membentuk satu lapisan nipis. Kukus selama 3-4 minit atau hingga masak.
4. Biarkan sejuk, barulah digulung. Hiris setebal 1 cm bila hendak memakannya dengan bahan ulaman dan kuah.

LAKSAM TERENGGANU (kak Liza's Recipe)

1/2 kg ikan..kembung/selayang...bakar dan ambil isi
3 cawan santan ( 1 biji kelapa)
3 ulas bawang kecil
1 hiris halia
1 sudu besar lada hitam....tumbuk
garam secukupnya

ULAMAN...[mayang/racik/hiris halus]
Taugeh.....buangkan akar
kacang panjang
kacang botol
Daun kesum
bunga kantan

SAMBAL....[ ditumbuk seperti sambal belacan]
Cili api
Cili merah/hidup
Air limau kasturi/limau nipis

Bahan penting.....
Laksanya...macam kuetiauw tu...

1. Masukkan semua bahan untuk kuah dalam periuk dan masakkan perlahan-lahan sampai mendideh.
2. Rasakan masinnya.
3. Hidang bersama ulaman yang telah dimayang/hiris halus.
4. Sediakan juga sambal belacan limau kasturi atau limau nipis.


Bahan utama:
1 kg laksam

Bahan untuk ulam:
2 pokok daun salad (dihiris)
4 biji limau nipis
2 biji timun (dihiris)
¼ kg tauge
Seikat daun kesum
belacan sebesar ibu jari

Bahan untuk kuah:
6 ekor ikan kembong (dibakar atau direbus)
1 biji kelapa atau 1 peket santan serbuk (ambil 1 ½ liter santan)
2 camca besar kerisik
5 labu bawang besar atau 10 biji bawang merah (dihiris)
1 camca besar gula pasir
garam secukup

Cara menyediakannya:
1. Ikan diasingkan dengan tulangnya kemudian dimesin, campurkan bersama santan.
2. Campurkan ke semua bahan kuah ke dalam ikan dan masak hingga mendidih.
3. Hidangkan bersama sayuran tadi dan jika suka perahkan asam limau dan sedikit belacan.


Bahan kuah:
300 gm isi ikan
150 ml santan pekat (tambah air jika perlu)
4 ulas bawang merah (dikisar)
4 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
1 batang serai (dikisar)
Sedikit halia (dikisar)
2 kiub pati ayam

Minyak masak, garam & lada sulah

Bahan laksam:
1 cawan tepung beras
1 cawan tepung ubi
2-3 cawan air
sedikit garam

Bahan ulaman:
Sedikit kacang panjang, tauge, kobis, daun selasih, sengkuang, timun & daun salam (dihiris)

Cara menyediakannya:
1. Bancuh tepung beras, tepung ubi, garam & air hingga sebati.
2. Ambil satu senduk adunan & masukkan ke dalam loyang bulat. Pastikan adunan tidak terlalu tebal. Kukus hingga masak.
3. Keluarkan dari loyang & digulung. Ulangi proses ini hingga adunan habis. Ketepikan.
4. Tumiskan bahan yang dikisar hingga garing. Masukkan isi ikan, kiub pati ayam & santan.
5. Apabila mendidih, masukkan garam & serbuk lada sulah. Tutupkan api. Angkat & hidangkan.


Bahan kuah:
1 kilo ikan sardin/temenung
1 biji kelapa (ambil patinya)
3 paket kecil rempah kari ikan
20 tangkai cili kering (dikisar)
5 ulas bawang besar (dikisar)
4 ulas bawang putih (dikisar)
3-4 keping asam gelugor/keping
bunga kantan
daun kesom/cenehom

Bahan laksam:
Tepung beras di campur dengan air panas dan sedikit garam, masak sekejap di atas api yang kecil. Panaskan loyang/periuk kukus, kukus seperti membuat telor dadar. Bila masak gulung dan potong menyerong.

Bahan hiasan :
Daun selom, timun, daun gajus, daun pudina, bawang besar, cili merah, cili padi

Cara :
1. Siang ikan, rebus bersama asam keping dan sedikit garam. Isi ikan di mesin.
2. Masukkan bawang merah dan bawang putih (kisar) ke dalam periuk, biar sampai naik bau, masuk rempah (campur dengan air panas), setelah rempah masak,masuk cili kering (kisar), santan, biar mendidih, masuk air rebusan ikan, isi ikan, daun kesom, bunga kantan,garam dan asam gelugor.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I create this blog bcoz' i like to collect recipes.B4 this i save them in my pc, then print it & make it a book as my collection.Sometimes i misplace them.So when i need them,i had to find it again.It was such a hassle.But now as the amount of recipes are increasing so i think it's better i share it with others who share the same interest;cooking.Even for those who hate to cook,like me,at least they can refer here the recipes they like.Who knows someday this collections are useful,same goes with me.
Most of the recipes here are copied from others site (gladly they're very generous of allowing me to copy them,but i'm sorry if they aren't happy about it), tv programmes & some of them are my personal recipes exclusively from my mom's kitchen.
I love to eat all kind of food.I'm not a choosy.I can eat anything (as long as it's eatable & 'halal') bcoz' i'm not afraid to try new things.Even if i don't like certain food,i'll try to taste & finish it bcoz' food is gift from god.Not like some people,they just condemn/curse the food they don't like.My principle is easy,if u don't like it,just put it aside & keep quiet.I hate people who purposely smell the food b4 eating it bcoz' for me it's not a good behaviour.It's like u're insulting the food.
Even though i like eating,i hate to cook.B4 this i'm lucky bcoz' most of the cooking were done by my mom.She was a good cook.Even she cook for my engagement feast.I'm very lazy to cook,so she always scolded me.Sometimes i cook but only simple dishes.However,it suits me well.
But now,as i'm getting married,i had to learn to cook.My fiance loves to eat.He can eat at any time but he's quit choosy.He doesn't eat vege;so no vege,onion,garlic or anything link to vege in his food.But lately he has changed a bit in terms of vege bcoz' i love vege.Even though he still won't eat vege,i can put the vege in my cooking but with one condition;i've to cut the vege in a big size so that he can pick & put it aside.I've to pound the onion & garlic very fine.
Frankly speaking he was so picky.He can't eat fresh water fish, duck, mutton & many more.I've learned his appetite,so it's not that hard to do.Bcoz' of his pickiness,we're very seldom eat out.He prefers to cook.Since i'm not that good,most of the time he's the one who had to cook.But honestly said he was a good cook,better than i am.He can cook anything.He have no particular recipe,just campak2.But the taste is voila, fantastic & i became addicted to his cooking.
But he warned me,after getting married,he want me to cook.He wants to eat his wife's cooking.Aiyoh!I'm not that good.Sometimes i'm regret of not learning from my mom.She always asked me to learn but as usual,excuses.Sometimes,i only acted as a kitchen helper.So now,like it or not,i've to learn cooking.As he likes to eat various modern & international dishes,these recipes can give me some ideas.
So folks,enjoy the recipes.Enjoy ur cooking.Even it taste not as good as hotel's food, at least we've tried our best.Good luck!