As all know,yesterday was my birthday.So,apart of special meal cooked by my fiance, i made a cake 'Kek Kukus 7-up' as our birthday cake.There was no cake for his birthday,so this cake was going to be the birthday cake.It was a double celebration;his birthday & mine.I thought of buying a cake for him during his birthday but he refused as he's not that into cakes.
I made steam cake bcoz' i haven't bought the oven yet.The outcome was ok.We even put a few candles on top of the cake & we blow the candles together.
5 biji telur
210 atau 220 gram gula
150 g Tepung Cake
150 g Tepung Gandum
1/2 sudu besar ovalette
180g - 7- up/Sprite/Cream Soda.
2 sudu besar susu pekat
Bahan perwarna
Ikut perisa apa yg disukai. (Strawberry/Coklat/Orange/Pandan) ???
1. Pukul telur dgn gula sampai kembang selepas itu masukkan ovalette dan pukul lagi.
2. Masukkan tepung diselang selikan dgn air 7 - up tadi.
3. Bahagikan adunan utk dibubuh color.
4. Stim dulu adunan warna asal dalam 5 , 7 minit. Selepas itu mulakan dengan warna pertama kukus lagi dan buatlah utk warna warna yg seterusnya . Lapisan terakhir dikukus selama 10 minit atau lebih
The following are the cakea that using 7-up or the same.
Ingredients :
3 cups flour ~ sifted
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup ice-cream soda (I used Sprite. You can also use 7Up)
1 teaspoon rose essence
few drops of red coloring
few drops of yellow coloring
enough paper cones (5.5 inches x 4 inches)
Method :
1. Prepare the steamer and the paper cones.
2. Beat eggs and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Fold in the sifted flour.
4. Pour in the icecream soda/Sprite/7Up and rose essence. Fold lightly.
5. Add a few drops of red coloring into a quarter of the mixture and the balance, add the yellow coloring.
6. Place the paper cones into the holes of the steamer.
7. Spoon some yellow mixture into the cones and top it up with the red mixture.
8. Steam for 15 minutes.
3 cups flour ~ sifted
4 eggs
2 cups sugar
3/4 cup ice-cream soda (I used Sprite. You can also use 7Up)
1 teaspoon rose essence
few drops of red coloring
few drops of yellow coloring
enough paper cones (5.5 inches x 4 inches)
Method :
1. Prepare the steamer and the paper cones.
2. Beat eggs and sugar till light and fluffy.
3. Fold in the sifted flour.
4. Pour in the icecream soda/Sprite/7Up and rose essence. Fold lightly.
5. Add a few drops of red coloring into a quarter of the mixture and the balance, add the yellow coloring.
6. Place the paper cones into the holes of the steamer.
7. Spoon some yellow mixture into the cones and top it up with the red mixture.
8. Steam for 15 minutes.
Apam Ice Cream
Gambar dari maklang / Sumber : nina
Bahan A
250g gula castor
1sm ovellette
3 biji telur
Bahan B
300g tepung gandum/tepung naik sendiri (maklang guna tepung naik sendiri)
1st baking powder
Bahan C
200 ml air sprite/ice cream soda
1. Pukul A sehingga kembang dan gebu. Masukkan bahan B pukul hingga gebu.
2. Masukkan C
3. Bahagikan kepada 2 bhg. Satu bahagian biarkan kosong dan satu lagi di bahagi dua : hijau dan merah
4. Masukkan warna asal dlm mangkuk dan sedikit warna hijau dan merah.
5. Kukus selama 10 minit (api besar baru apam pecah)
Apam Wa Ko Koay
sumber : rossya/Gambar maklang
sumber : rossya/Gambar maklang
600G tepung beras
350g gula pasir
700ml air
5 helai daun pandan
225g tapai nasi dibuang airnya
2 sudu makan Eno
Cara Membuatnya:
1. Masak gula dengan separuh air, daun pandan dan sejukkan, Mesin tapai nasi sampai halus. Kacau tepung dengan baki air, air gula dan tapai nasi. Tapis. Simpan adunan selama 1 jam atau lebih.
2. Apabila hendak mengukus nya, baru masukkan 2 sudu makan Eno dan dikacau rata2. Bahagikan kepada beberapa bahagian dan bubuhkan pewarna kegemaran anda. Kukus selama 7-10 minit.. Apam ini enak dimakan bersama gula tanjung dan kelapa parut yang telah dikukus.
Is there an english version of the apam wa ko koay? I would love to make some apm wa ko koay but I only read english.