Saturday, August 16, 2008

My Dinner - Special Chicken Burger

After work,i went to kl to buy things;soaps,dishwash paste,toothpaste,etc.After wondering,i realized it's almost 8pm.Unfortunately the bust from lrt station was very late.I arrive at that station almost 9pm but the bus only arrived almost at 11pm.My stomach was so hungry.So,on the way back home, i bought special chicken burger;chicken burger with was my dinner.

Pattie ayam for burger

Bahan-bahan ( 12 patties. recipe from: umah )
2 ketul dada ayam di cincang
5 sudu besar tepung jagung
1 sudu kecil five spices powder
2 sudu kecil sebuk parsely @ parsely segar choped
2 sudu kecil serbuk cili
sedikit garam dan sebuk pepper
2 sudu kecil olive oil

masukkan semua bahan-bahan kecuali tepung jagung. sebatikan campuran tadi dan akhir sekali masukkan tepung dan gaul sebati. buatkan bulat di atas tray oven and leperkan aje jadi betuk pattie burger. kalau guna non stik tray tak perlu sapu minyak atas tray. masukkan dalam oven yang dipre heat 200 C selama ia masak agak agak dalam 15-20 min. Once dah siap boleh lah buat burger ayam atau simpan di dalam freezer

Burger Bun
Resipi asal :
Di ambil dari :
Kiriman : Suzana

550g all-purpose flour ( saya guna high protien flour )
4 tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
2 packages Active Dry Yeast ( roughly about 14g )
180ml milk ( saya guna fresh milk )
120ml cup water
3 tbsp butter or margarine ( saya tukar ke shortening)
3 eggs, at room temperature

How to make
1. In large bowl, combine half of the flour, sugar, salt and undissolved yeast. Heat milk, water and butter until very warm. Gradually add to dry ngredients; beat 2 minutes at medium speed of electric mixer, scraping bowl occasionally.
2. Add 2 eggs and 3/4 of the remaining flour. Beat at high speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. With spoon, stir in enough additional flour to make soft dough.
3. Knead on lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic, about 4 minutes.( This is an important step! )Place in greased bowl, turning to grease top. Cover; let rise until doubled in size, about 30 to 45 minutes.
4. Punch dough down. Divide into12 equal pieces. Form into smooth balls. Place on 2 greased baking sheets. Flatten balls with hand to 4-inch rounds and cover.
5. Place baking sheets over pans. Let rise until doubled in size, about 15 to 20 minutes.
6. Lightly beat remaining egg; brush on rolls. Sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake at 400ºF for 10 to 15 minutes or until done.
7. Remove from baking sheets and cool on wire racks. Lightly brush the top of the buns with milk and cover with a clean cloth. This will soften the top of the bun and give it a nice shinny gloss to it.

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