Saturday, March 21, 2009

Kek Belacan/Kek Serikaya Sarawak

Kek Belacan? Why is it called kek belacan whereas there's no belacan in the cake? May be bcoz' of its colour & its texture, just like belacan; dark brown & dense. If not mistaken its origin from sarawak.
I want to eat cake. It has awhile since i make cake. Then i found this recipe. The best thing about it was i don't have to bake it, just steam it. One more thing, i've been keeping its main ingrediant; horlicks for quite sometimes. I don't drink horlicks but i get it as a gift. I can't find browning essence every where but i add in some milo to get the brown colour. Try it & u'll know its taste; delicious. But for those of u who expect the taste of belacan in it, forget it. I can't imagine adding belacan in a cake...huh, very scary. Anyone dare to try it?

Kek Belacan
Sources :

225g (8 oz) butter, softened
110g (1/2 cup) caster sugar
5 eggs
200g (1/2 tin) sweetened condensed milk
200g serikaya (kaya)
100g Horlicks *
150g (1 cup) plain flour
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
40ml (2 tablespoons) Parisian browning essence - optional (to darken the cake's colour)

* Horlicks may be replaced with Milo if desired, and turn it into ‘Serikaya Milo Cake’.

1. Grease a 15cm x 15cm x 7.5cm tall tin (or 15cm x 15cm x 10cm tall tin) and line base and sides with baking paper. Allow the baking paper to extend over the top by 2 to 3cm if using the shorter tin.
2. Beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
3. Beat in eggs, one by one, until well combined.
4. Beat in sweetened condensed milk and serikaya until well mixed.
5. Stir in Horlicks until well combined.
6. Fold in flour. Finally stir in vanilla and browning essence.
7. Pour batter into prepared tin (the batter will fill the tin to almost 90%, but the cake will not rise up too much, so don’t worry). Cover the top loosely with a piece of aluminium foil.
8. Steam over high heat for 30 minutes. Fill up with more hot water if the steamer is low on water after 30 minutes. Turn heat down to medium and steam for another 60 minutes, or until cooked (may steam for up to 4 hours in total if desired, this according to wisdom allows the cake to be kept for up to a month). Remember to replenish steamer with hot water whenever it is drying up.

Kek belacan
oleh: milacob

Bahan-bahan ( Boleh Dapat 2 loyang )
250 gm mentega
10 biji telur size A
4 sudu nasi tepung gandum
1 sudu teh vanila
1 gelas horlick
1 tin susu junjung
1 botol browing sugar
1 sudu teh serbuk koko
1 gelas gula halus

1. Pukul mentega dan gula halus tadi hingga kembang.
2. Setelah mentega tadi kembang, masukkkan telur 1 per 1 hingga sambil dikacau hingga kembang.
3. Masukkan 1 botol browing sugar, di kacau lagi.
4. Masukkan horlick, susu, serbuk koko dan esen vanila tadi dan dikacau hingga sebati.
5. Bahan yang terakhir adalah tepung gandum tersebut dan di kacau hingga sebati.
6. Masukkan adunan tadi kedalam loyang yang telah disapukan mentega.
7. Kukuskan adunan tadi sehingga masak.

Kek Belacan
Daripada: Fatymah

Bahan membuatnya:
20 biji telur ayam 11/2 tin susu tepung gandum
16 ozs mentega 4 sudu makan gula hitam
1 btl kecil horlicks 1 tin sederhana milo
1 tin susu gula halus 1 sudu teh esen vanila
1 tin susu manis

Cara membuatnya:
1. Pukul gula & mentega hingga kembang. Selepas itu masukkan telur satu persatu sehingga habis. Pukul lagi hingga rata & sebati.
2. Masukkan susu manis, milo, horlicks & gula hitam. Gaul lagi hingga rata.
3. Akhir sekali masukkan tepung gandum & gaul sekali hingga rata.
4. Kukuslah selama 5 jam. (Gunakan acuan 8" x 8")

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