Korang msti biasa dgn kerepek pisang, kerepek sukun, kerepek ubi. Tp korang pernah dgr atau mkn kerepek durian? Ha, msti ramai yg duk garu kepala cmne la kerepek durian. Ada ke kerepek durian? Boleh ke durian dibuat kerepek? Ataupn kerepek tu berperisa durian? Kerepek ni mmg ada. Aku dh mkn dah. Mmg diperbuat drpd durian yg btul2 punya. Mn aku dpt/ Actually ni buah tgn dr anak boss aku. Awal bulan ari tu dia ke thailand sbb dia nk kawin. Wife dia warganegara thailand, so terpaksa la dia ke sana utk upacara perkahwinan. Majlis kt sini blom lg, may be lps raya ni kot.
Dia ni mmg biasa gi thailand, mkn angin & tiap kali dia balik, msti dia belikn buah tgn utk aku & member2 dia. Biasanya key chain tp kali ni dia bawa balik sesuatu yg istimewa; kerepek durian. Skrg ni kan musim durian. & dgr kata, produk ni mmg produk keluaran negara thailand. Kerepek durian ni mmg wangi, rasanya lemak2 durian.
Kot2 sape2 yg tertanya2, cmner la nk hiris durian tu jd kerepek sdgkn isi dia lembik, sbenarnya diaorg guna durian yg mengkal, so senang la nk potong. Jgn plak guna putik durian tu, nnti tak dpt rasa durian plak. Nk tnya resepi ni kt wife dia masalahnya aku blom jupe lg wife dia. Klau tak, bleh la aku korek2 rahsia cara nk buat kerepek yg istimewa ni. Tp utk tdk menghampakan korang, aku jot resepi yg aku jupe kt internet. Kot sape2 yg ada kebun durian tu, bleh la buat kot sbb bleh petik durian yg masih mengkal. & aku rasa ini adalah satu cara penyelesaian apabila terbeli buah durian yg tak masak. Prnh gak la aku terbeli durian yg putik, bengang jer. Kesudahannya aku buang jer. Next time, dh ada resepi ni, durian2 sperti itu msti amat bguna.
Durian Chips
(Deep Fried Unripe Durian)
Source : Try Thai Food
Picture : dahlea
1 Kg. Unripe durian (Sliced)
1 tsp. Salt
3 cups vegetable oil
Cooking Instructions:
1. Slice the durian into a very thin piece or think piece. The most important thing is to make it at the same thick size, so that when you fry them part of them won't get burn first.
2. Separate the pieces into a group of same size. Leave it drain first. This way will help you save the cooking time.
3. Heat the pan and pour vegetable oil in it. Use medium fire.
4. When the oil is ready, fry the group of sliced unripe durian. Keep your eyes on it :) don't let it burn. If it's possible, flip the pieces every 2 breath. :p
5. I can't tell how long it will take, depends on the thickness you slice the piece. Mostly, take short time. Pick up one piece and try it to make sure.
6. When durian chips is ready, remove from the pan and leave it drain on paper towels.
7. Sprinkle the salt all over and time to CHIM! (CHIM = taste)
Dia ni mmg biasa gi thailand, mkn angin & tiap kali dia balik, msti dia belikn buah tgn utk aku & member2 dia. Biasanya key chain tp kali ni dia bawa balik sesuatu yg istimewa; kerepek durian. Skrg ni kan musim durian. & dgr kata, produk ni mmg produk keluaran negara thailand. Kerepek durian ni mmg wangi, rasanya lemak2 durian.
Kot2 sape2 yg tertanya2, cmner la nk hiris durian tu jd kerepek sdgkn isi dia lembik, sbenarnya diaorg guna durian yg mengkal, so senang la nk potong. Jgn plak guna putik durian tu, nnti tak dpt rasa durian plak. Nk tnya resepi ni kt wife dia masalahnya aku blom jupe lg wife dia. Klau tak, bleh la aku korek2 rahsia cara nk buat kerepek yg istimewa ni. Tp utk tdk menghampakan korang, aku jot resepi yg aku jupe kt internet. Kot sape2 yg ada kebun durian tu, bleh la buat kot sbb bleh petik durian yg masih mengkal. & aku rasa ini adalah satu cara penyelesaian apabila terbeli buah durian yg tak masak. Prnh gak la aku terbeli durian yg putik, bengang jer. Kesudahannya aku buang jer. Next time, dh ada resepi ni, durian2 sperti itu msti amat bguna.
Durian Chips
(Deep Fried Unripe Durian)
Source : Try Thai Food
Picture : dahlea
1 Kg. Unripe durian (Sliced)
1 tsp. Salt
3 cups vegetable oil
Cooking Instructions:
1. Slice the durian into a very thin piece or think piece. The most important thing is to make it at the same thick size, so that when you fry them part of them won't get burn first.
2. Separate the pieces into a group of same size. Leave it drain first. This way will help you save the cooking time.
3. Heat the pan and pour vegetable oil in it. Use medium fire.
4. When the oil is ready, fry the group of sliced unripe durian. Keep your eyes on it :) don't let it burn. If it's possible, flip the pieces every 2 breath. :p
5. I can't tell how long it will take, depends on the thickness you slice the piece. Mostly, take short time. Pick up one piece and try it to make sure.
6. When durian chips is ready, remove from the pan and leave it drain on paper towels.
7. Sprinkle the salt all over and time to CHIM! (CHIM = taste)
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