5am this morning i've already woke up since my hubby is leaving to banting today. First thing to do, cook the rice. Then cut the chicken into small pieces (luckily i've defrost the chicken since last night). I've been planning to cook kung pao chicken since last night as it was ez to make. I've less than 1 hour to cook since by 6am my hubby will left the house. Kna masak lbih ckit bcoz' my hubby said he wanted to bring some to banting for lunch & dinner, so no need to buy food there. Furthermore it's hard to find ready made food there bcoz' the shop near the site was closed on monday.
I've seen this recipe for quite so long but only managed to make it today. Konon2 nk impress suami la ni. From the comments i've read, they said it was really delicious & guess what, they even tried the same recipe with beef, prawn, fish & sotong. Very creative. I'll try it later.
I've seen this recipe for quite so long but only managed to make it today. Konon2 nk impress suami la ni. From the comments i've read, they said it was really delicious & guess what, they even tried the same recipe with beef, prawn, fish & sotong. Very creative. I'll try it later.
Sumber: Cranko21
Bahan A
600 gm isi ayam - potong dadu
tepung jagung
Isi ayam disalutkan sedikit garam dan tepung jagung - then goreng dan toskan.
Bahan B
100 gm kacang gajus - goreng dan toskan minyak
30 gm lada kering - pilih yg lebar2 dan potong dlm 1 - 1.5 inchi panjang
2 biji bawang besar (kuning) - potong dadu besar2
4 ulas bawang putih - ditumbuk halus
2 inci halia - ditumbuk halus
1 biji lada bangala hijau- potong lebar2 sediikit
3 sdm sos tiram
2 sdm cili sos
1/4 cwn air
minyak untuk menumis
garam - kalau perlu
Panaskan sedikit minyak dlm kuali. Goreng lada kering hingga garing dan ketepikan. Tumis halia dan bawang putih hingga garing dan masukkan bawang besar. Masukkan lada bangala, isi ayam dan sos tiram dan cili sos dan sedikit air. Biarkan kering masukkan kacang gajus, kacau dan matikan api. Sedia untuk dihidang.
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