Kung pao again. But this time i'm switching the chicken to prawn. Ramai sgt ckp sedap. That's why i tried it out. I tried che wan's recipe. But this time i didn't put the bamboo shoot. But i've also posted here the prawn kung pao recipe with different ingredients from jeni. I think it's more simple. Next time bleh cuba...
Sumber : Chef Wan
Bahan-bahannya :
500 gm udang }
1 biji telur - diambil putihnya sahaja } digaul rata
2 sudu besar kicap }
½ sudu kecil lada sulah }
10 tangkai cili kering
1 biji bawang besar - dihiris
1 biji capcicum hijau - dipotong dadu
60 gm rebung - dihiris
2 tangkai daun bawang - dihiris
1 sudu besar tepung jagung - dicampur sedikit air
1 sudu kecil minyak bijan
Minyak sawit (Vesawit) secukupnya - untuk menggoreng
Bahan-bahan Sos Perasa:
2 sudu besar kicap
2 ulas bawang putih - dicincang
2 sudu besar sos tiram
¼ cawan stok ayam
1. Panaskan minyak, gorengkan cili kering hingga kelihatan gelap dan angkat.
2. Gorengkan udang, bawang, capsicum, rebung dan daun bawang selama 1 minit.
3. Tambahkan sos perasa, tepung jagung dan minyak bijan.
4. Masak hingga kuah menjadi pekat.
Original Source : Cranko edited to suit whats in the kitchen
Posted : Jeni
1 large onion, cut into big chunks or sliced thinly
3 cloves garlic, sliced thinly
2 cm ginger, also sliced thinly
4 - 5 dried chilies cut into 1 inches long, seeded and soaked
1 - 2 stalk spring onion also cut into 1 inches long
3 tbsp oyster sauce
2 tbsp chili sauce
1. Shell the prawns leaving the tail intact.
2. Heat oil. Add onion, garlic, ginger and dried chilies and fry until golden and chilies turn dark.
3. Add the prawn, toss for a few seconds then add osyter and chili sauce. Add a little bit of water and let it thicken.
4. Add spring onion and toss for a few seconds.
5. Ready to eat.
Salam kenal..seronok tgk blog ni..banyak resepi...terliuq tgk nak buatnyer aduii...hehe..
salam perkenalan..thanx sbb jenguk2 blog saya.ni seme himpunan resepi yg saya prnh cuba tp ada tu saje je kumpul, mn la tau ckit hari lg bleh cuba..so next time nk masak, x susah nk fikir apa resepi, buka bog, nah, resepi dh ada depan mata.
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