Hahaha...i've a very funny story to tell. Last monday my hubby & i went to his cousin's house in damansara damai. My hubby's cousin got engaged with a chidless widow from perak but she also lived in damansara damai. Erm, my MIL can't come bcoz' she's not feeling very well. So, the girl's family served rice with ayam masak merah. But what made me laughed was they all (my hubby's cousin, his family & my SIL) thought the rice was fried rice bcoz' of it's colour (redish). But they felt strange when they served it with ayam masak merah, jelatah & kacang panjang + pedal ayam goreng. Erm, how come nasi goreng ada lauk? Actually it was nasi carrot & they haven't eaten that kind of rice in their life b4. Buat malu kaum jer....agaknya family pompuan tu msti fikir; jakun nyer family kitaorg. No wonder they looked awkward when then ate that carrot rice. Me? I've eaten it b4. Where? I can't remember but the difference was this time they add in the blended carrot. My SIL instantly asked me to get the recipe. This rice is best eaten with ayam masak merah & spicy jelatah timun + nenas.
Nasi Carrot
oleh: dalinnasue
Bahan-bahan ( 6~8 orang )
Bahan A - dikisar
10 biji cili hijau
1 sd besar lada putih
1 sd besar jintan manis
5 ulas bawang putih
Bahan utk menumis:
Buah pelaga, Bunga lawang
Bunga cengkih, Kulit kayu manis
4 cawan beras (cuci & toskan)
600 gm carrot (di parut)
½ ekor ayam (potong kecil)
300 gm tomato (potong dadu & campurkan gula batu sedikit)
3 biji bawang besar (di hiris)
4 sd besar minyak sapi
3 cawan air rebusan ayam
1 cawan santan
daun pandan
1. Gaulkan carrot bersama beras.
2. Rebus ayam bersama 3 cawan air.
3. Panaskan minyak sapi, tumis bawang besar hingga kekuningan. Masukkan bahan penumis, bahan A, garam, dan biarkan hingga naik bau.
4. Masukkan stok ayam ngan ayam skali la, santan, tomato dan beras yg digaul bersama carrot. Kacau sebentar. Tutup periuk dan biarkan nasi masak.
Sumber : Kak Liza
6 caw beras bathmati....basuh dan toskan
2 caw carrot [potong dadu kecil]
1/2 caw susu cair
8 caw air
1 kiub ayam knorr
1 s/k gula
Bahan Tumis
2 s/b rempah kurma
5 ulas bawang merah.]
3 ulas bawang putih ] mayang halus atau tumbuk kasar
2 cm halia ]
3 s/b minyak sapi
2 cm kulit kayu manis
2 kuntum bungka lawang
5 biji bunga cengkih
2 biji buah pelaga
1 tangkai daun ketumbar.....mayang
daun pandan........simpulkan
1. Panaskan minyak sapi dalam periuk Rice Cooker dan masukkan bahan tumis,bawang & halia yg dimayang dan daun pandan.
2. Bila dah wangi masukkan rempah kurma. Biarkan naik minyak.
3. Masukkan air, garam, gula, kiub ayam knorr dan susu cair. Biarkan mendideh.
4. Masukkan beras, carrot dadu dan daun ketumbar.
5. Alihkan periuk kedalam Rice Cooker dan biarkan masak saperti nasi biasa.
6. Hidangkan dengan ayam bakar, sup dan salad sayur.
Nasi Carrot
Sumber : Dapur Pak Amir
Nasi 2 pot susu
Lobak merah 2 batang (kalau nak banyak letak le 3 ke 4 ke)
Bawang besar 1 biji (Betul2 besar ni)
Susu cair 1 tin
Sos tomato (5 sudu)
Halia 1.5 inchi
Rempah tumis - Kayu manis (1), Bunga lawang (3)
Cara membuat:-
1. Lobak merah tu potong halus memanjang (jgn le halus sgt - cukup macam untuk popia sayur tu)
2. Bawang besar, dan halia potong juga nipis2
3. Basuh beras bersih2
4. Then gaul butter secukupnye dgn beras yg dah dibasuh tadi (Put it aside)
5. Kemudian tumis bawang, halia, rempah tumis dgn butter (dalam periuk ye...)
7. 6. Dah naik bau, masukkan lobak merah, sos tomato, susu cair kacau.
8. Then masukkan air (sukat bahan ni semua cukup untuk masak nasi tadi -jgn sampai nasi jadi lembik)
9. Dah didih, masukkan beras yg dah digaul dgn butter
10. Dah siap hidang le dgn lauk pauk yg anda ada...
Sources : mamafami
Ingredients :
10 cups Basmathi Rice ~ washed and rinsed
3 onions ~ sliced thinly
2 garlics ~ sliced
3 inch ginger ~ sliced
3 cinnamon sticks
4 star anise
7 cloves
cooking oil
minced meat (Since I don't have minced meat, I just sliced very thinly the fillet steak)
12 green chillies - remove the seeds and pound (I reduced the amount because my kids don't eat chillie that much)
evaporated milk (I used fresh milk)
Carrots ~ julienned
salt to taste
My method :
1. Marinate the minced meat with pounded green chillie.
2. Add enough water and carrot into rice and put on the stove.
3. At the same time, in another pot, heat oil and add in cinnamon sticks, star anise and cloves.
4. Add in onion, garlic and ginger and fry till fragrant.
5. Add in the marinated minced meat and fry for about 5 minutes.
6. When the rice starts to bubble, pour in the fried minced meat and salt. Stir well.
7. Add in raisins and evaporated milk.
8. When liquid is almost dried up, lower the heat, stir the rice and cover the pot.
9. Let it cook on low heat till done.
Simple Carrot Rice
Sumber : Jun_yummylicious
1 3/4 cawan stok ayam
2 sudu besar butter
1 cawan beras basmati
2 carrots-ppotong kecil2
1 cawan frozen peas (x letak, anak2 x suka..)
3 daun bawang-hiris2
daun parsley-hiris2
didihkan stok ayam n butter. masukkan beras n carrot. bila hampir masak, masukkan peas n daun bawang, kacau n masak lagi. masukkan daun ketumbar n biar nasi betul2 masak. makan la ngan lauk ape pun, kat sini jun letak masakan ikan ala fish n chips dr rachaelray gak la..hehe.
Ikan Ala Fish 'n Chips
filet ikan
garam pepper
minyak zaitun
bahan A:-
1/4 cawan tepung jagung ]
1/8 cawan tepung ]
1/8 cawan parutan cheese ]campurkan sume..
sket kulit lemon parut ]
gaul ikan ngan garam n pepper. salut ngan bahan A n goreng hingga masak. makan ngan cili sos.
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